It is a pleasure for the Aporophobia and Criminal Law project to announce that the book entitled «criminal-political alternatives to the criminal law of aporophobia» has been published. The coordination has been carried out by Demelsa Benito, director of the subproject 2 and Maria Soledad Gil, researcher of the same.

The book has been published in open access and deals with proposals for the general and special part of criminal law. The first is initiated by Ana Isabel Pérez Cepeda, director of this coordinated project, and deals with aporophobia and criminal law in the social state. Rodrigo Fuziger, Manuel Ollé, Demelsa Benito, Miguel Bustos and Hector Olásolo continue with their research on co-responsibility, victimology and the circumstances of modification of criminal responsibility. As for the second, project members Alfredo Abadías, Alfredo Liñán, Miriam Ruiz, Lucía Remersaro, Maria Soledad Gil and Silvia Mendoza focused their attention on subjects as diverse as crimes against property, drug trafficking, eco-victimology and fake news.

The conclusions of the book are set out by Demelsa Benito, in the chapter «proposals for a revision of criminal law from an anti-apporophobic perspective». In it, the author states that it is necessary to rethink all criminal policy with an anti-apporophobic perspective, and emphasises that criminal law should be the last resort. However, she also argues that anti-apporophobic criminal policy is not the solution to existing inequality, but it would help to mitigate the effects of the criminal justice system on the most economically disadvantaged people who commit a crime.

We encourage all of you to read this book, which is open access on Dialnet, and to share it with your colleagues, as well as with society at large. And don’t forget that the rest of the research can be consulted in the publications section.